Browse Items (22 total)

  • Interest is exactly "Pan—Africanism"
The second seIf-defense class—Joih the event, bring
your friends, feel safe with us!!! Self—defense classes with —
When ballet dancers can mix modern dance and ballet. When ballet dancers
can mix modern dance and ballet.
The second seIf-defense class Join the event, bring
your friends, feel safe with us!!! Self—defense classes
When ballet dancers can mix modern dance and ballet. When ballet dancers
can mix modern dance and ballet.
The second seIf-defense class Join the event, bring
your friends, feel safe with us!!! Self—defense classes
The second seIf-defense class Join the event brin
your friends, feel safe with us!!! Self—defense classes
Positive young black men serving this country will not be on any news outlet.
That‘s why we decided to post it here.
Share this and make it go viral. Media won‘t share this because positive Black
male images it‘s not okay to display in America.
Unapologetically melaneted Kings and Queens are powerful together. Join us!
A black man employed by Comcast being given a ticket for doing his job.

This man was working on a house when a bystander reported him to the
cops. When police showed up, they drew the gun and told the man to put his
hands up because he was accused…